One month in, what are people asking me?

One month in, what are people asking me?

This week I had dinner with a personal friend who just happens to work at one of the big organizations which serves our community.   She told me she was in a meeting recently and it was the perfect place to bring up The Ginkgo Link, but she just wasn't sure how to explain it and did not want to get it wrong.

I totally understand her sentiment.  There really isn't an exact term to describe the collaborative community I am hoping to create.   I have settled on Event Calendar, Resource Directory and Blog, but as I thought about my original intent, my vision is so much more. 

Since the launch last month, I've received a lot of questions.  I thought I would take a minute to share some of the more common questions that have come from people around our community and provide answers.

What is your vision for The Ginkgo Link?

I see The Ginkgo Link as a local collaborative community for sharing news, programs, events and information as well as showcasing some of the amazing people in our area.

My hope is  the website will provide an ever growing wealth of information for our area through accumulation of varying blog topics.  People can check regularly for upcoming events and learn a little more with each visit or weekly email. Up to date resource directories can help people located needed services.   A perfect spot for newcomers to the area to acclimate and find what they need.

The locally focused Community Spotlight and Personal Perspective features will help you to know a little more about your local neighbors.  Perhaps people will start recognizing a few more people when you are out and about.  Perhaps people will start seeing and hearing about others with common interests and connect.

The community of bloggers will help get the word out on what is available in our community.  Although some our larger organizations have been featured first, I hope to also include the smaller more local, specialized and niche programs.  

What is NOT in my vision is crowd sourcing, a platform for Go Fund Me links or a place for people to complain or air their bad experiences.  

I also intend to listen to the community and see what else would be helpful.  We can grow organically as needs are identified.

Big dream for a simple website, but I think it can be a blessing to many people!

Do you plan to monetize The Ginkgo Link?


While I do see a way to receive income through ad sales, it would require a whole new level of sales, financial accounting and taxation that I would not like to take on at this time. 

Do you charge for blog features, event listings or directory inclusion?

No, I do not plan on ever charging for posting events, directory listings or blog features nor do I ever plan on charging to be a member of the community.

A major goal of the community is to provide a place to share and attract start ups and smaller programs.  Charging for these items might discourage or prevent low budget programs from being featured. 

The Ginkgo Link looks like a lot of work, why are you doing this if it isn't for money?

 I live and believe in this community and want it to be as strong and connected as possible.  It can be isolating to be an adult with special needs and this site will provide a platform for us to communicate with each other so we can find our people and programs.  

Opportunities for my son and his future are connected to this community.  I want to learn about what exists as well as attract what is needed.  

We have wonderful organizations, programs and support here, but even more will come if we identify our needs, show our presence and give people an easy way to launch programs.  I hope The Ginkgo Link inspires others to dream and create opportunities for the community.

As much as I love my hobbies and spending time with friends and family, I am just one of those people who has to have a purpose.  Serving the special needs community I have grown to love serves as the purpose I need in my life to keep my soul happy!

What topics are you planning on covering?

I call this a variety show of blog content! 

Anything pertinent to our community is fair game and I am trying to rotate between general informational topics, local programs and services as well as two feature areas:  Personal Perspective and Community Spotlight.

The Personal Perspective, whether adults with special needs or a family member, will offer a place to discuss your particular experience in general or with a specific program.  Inspirational and personal stories are welcome!

The Community Spotlight will feature members of the community who are doing something interesting or going above and beyond.  A nomination form will be coming soon to the website.

Will you be creating all the blog content yourself?

I will be creating some of the content, but I envision frequent guest bloggers.  Let's hear from the experts!

Our local community is loaded with some amazing people who are involved in various ways with the special needs community.  Guest blogging lets us hear their voices and learn from their perspectives.  It is also a great way to tell people about your organization or program.

How do I become a guest blogger?

Just send me an email at to start the conversation

What about social media?

A Facebook page will be coming soon!

I want to pace myself to ensure I can provide a quality service.  Plus nothing is more depressing than a FB page with 5 followers so it makes sense to get the word out first!

How can I help?

Subscribe to the mailing list!

Share the website with your friends in the community!

Share your event and program information!  Use the forms on the website or send an email to 

Become a guest blogger!

Like the Facebook page (when it goes public)!

That wraps it up for today!   

Best, Ashley