Hi! My name is Ashley Davis and I am the founder of The Ginkgo Link.  My husband, Troy, and I are the parents of two young adult sons.  Our oldest is currently in law school at Georgia State.  Our youngest has special needs and is beginning the process of leaving the public school system and stepping out into the world.   

As a family, we love to be out on Lake Allatoona either racing sailboats or cruising on our motorboat.  You can also find me painting, gardening or exercising in my free time.  Welcome, I am looking forward to getting to know you through our connections website.


Why the name?

A mature ginkgo tree in the fall is a spectacular sight to behold.  Individual leaves are a unique shape unlike any other.  They first appeared 270 million years ago and are the only surviving genus in their order.  The trees are very slow to mature, but once they reach their own.  Wow!

Over time, ginkgos have come to represent hope, strength and resilience.  Qualities the unique individuals and families of the special needs community exhibit as well.  What better tree to represent our community?  There is strength in sharing and linking together our community.

Hence the name...The Ginkgo Link!