General Support / Advocacy
This inclusive program is for adults 18 years and older with mild to moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities who wish to live independently in their desired community within the metro Atlanta area and beyond. All In breaks down each individual’s needs and goals into tangible actions plans. Participants can expect a comprehensive service supporting them with life skills including executive functioning, vocational support, socialization, health and wellness coordination, budgeting and transportation. We focus strongly on working with each individual and use a person-centered approach to assist in living a safe, successful and fulfilling life. All in means integral support and independence for every individual we serve.
A special needs resource directory publication for the Greater Atlanta area
Cam and Madi’s Promise, Incorporated (C.A.M.P) assists families in securing the medical and therapeutic services their children often require through the Katie Beckett and NOW/COMP waivers. C.A.M.P.’s goal is to remove emotional, physical, and financial barriers that families face by providing free waiver application support services and referrals to local community resources.
disABILITY LINK is a Center for Independent Living (CIL) serving 12 Metro Atlanta counties, including Cobb. disABILITY LINK is led by and for people with disabilities and promotes full participation in community life through education, advocacy, and empowerment. Centers for Independent Living are non-profit, nonresidential, community-based organizations, governed and staffed by people with disabilities, which offer a wide variety of services to people with disabilities, their families, and the community.
The mission of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for the wide spectrum of diverse people/persons with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, play and worship in their communities.
GCDD has a wealth of resources, advocacy groups as well as an informative online magazine.
Provides the support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live safe, healthy, and successful lives in their communities.
This includes adult day programs, respite care, residential options, supported employment, family support funding, autism respite care, community living support, crisis support and behavior support.
Community Access Programs, Community Homes and other Medical Services serving adults with intellectual disabilities and traumatic brain injuries.
Enrichment Program, Community Inclusion Program and Advocacy
Our Place is a community where you can come learn from others, connect with someone else in your situation, share your experiences, find services and more. Contains a knowledge center for waivers and other helpful information. Connects you with industry experts.
Provides families with resources, respite and residential options to give their loved one the best path to greater independence, inclusion and self-determination.
Assists adults with disabilities in discovering their life’s purpose and creating a plan that focuses on goals to achieve their desires. These plans provide resources for transition services from high school, post-secondary education, supported employment, transportation resources, and independent living supports.
Companion sitter services, personal care assistants, and skilled nursing services. Serving Cobb County